Monday, May 24, 2010

Football Food!

Alright girls we all know that where there is Football there is food. And if you're in charge of the party you dont have to stress because I am here to help. Yep, there is more to Football than just watching the game you have to have the perfect food to get everyone in the mood to root for your team! And you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of pizza just because its easy there are so many more options that you can choose from my favorite that I found on was the Potato Skins with cheddar bacon, its delicious quick to make andthe guys will think that you are trying to give them a healthy snack! Add some beer for the over 21 crowd and Fruit punch for the younger and you should be golden. Try out the other delicious snacks they have on there website!


Picking The Best Team!

When picking the best team we can't do what we usually do... Like, picking the team with the cutest players, if they have players with the hottest bodies, or even the team your boyfriend likes. It's time to stop picking home teams just because you live in the same city. Its okay to like multiple teams and it's okay to not know anything about Football at all, the best thing is to go to the internet. You should look at the stats of the teams you are researching to get an idea of how good the team is as a whole. You can also use this as a conversation starter with your guy, I am sure he would love to show you how "macho" he is, with all of the spots info that he knows! You can also look at the stats of the players, this will let you enjoy some pretty good eye candy while getting the important info on the right Football team for you!

Things You're Boyfriend Wont Explain

Below is my Facebook Fan Page, Things That You're Boyfriend Wont Explain, I hope this Fan Page can help girls all over truey understand the game of American Football. As I state on my Fan Page I really do love sports but I am often left confused with what was really happening in the game and I know there are girls out there who feel the same. I also created this page so guys could spill the beans because, girls we all know that when a game is going on we can't ask anything. So guys you have over four months before the season starts. So, please tell us all that we need to know. Because, we need all of the help we can get and hope we can get a huge response from all of you guys out there.
